Hey all,
It's Alysia, Just logging in to give an update. As most of you know, last week, Elkhart General tried to put a G-Tube in for Ashli. . .TWICE to no avail. Apparently, her bowel is blocking one opening the tube needs to come through and her rib is a little low and is blocking the other opening. Ashli was released from Elkhart last Friday afternoon. By Sunday when I took her to Chicago, she was in sorry shape. So they were not allowing her to have her chemo/radiation yet. On Tuesday morning Chicago took a 'stab' at trying to put the G-Tube in. They could not get it in either. This afternoon they are trying ONE MORE TIME to put the Tube in. This is a HUGE area for prayer today. There are other ways for Ash to get nutrition, but there are more risks of infection with those other methods and it's harder on her body. Today they are going to try to SURGICALLY put it in. (Rather than just go through her mouth etc). Please pray that things will go well and that her body will recoop from surgery.
Also, if people are willing to stay with Ashli while she is in Chicago, I know she appreciates it. After being there with her for a few days, I now understand completely why she doesn't want to be there alone. It's hard to get the nurses to come when you need them. I don't think this is a testament to their skill, just that they are grossly understaffed in oncology. But regardless, it does affect the type of care she receives.
For those of you who signed up for pickup/dropoff for Ash, we are now just going to fly by the seat of our pants on that. We have no idea if they will keep her and have her treated next week or if she will be released and have to wait yet ANOTHER week for her third round. If that is the case, she will be almost a month behind on her treatments. =(
So obviously this is another area of prayer. . .that they can find a way to keep her HEALTHY on her off weeks so that her body is ready for her next round of treatments.
Thanks for your continued prayers. If anyone is willing to maybe take a few days out of their schedule to stay with Ashli in Chicago please email me or call Ashli's home phone and leave a message. I believe I posted my email in a prior message. Thanks!
Ashli, I will be praying today about the G tube. I really don't know what to say. I miss you. I love you. I'm sorry that you are having to go through all this junk (to put it lightly). I just hope despite EVERYTHING you know how loved you are. Danielle
Thank you so much for the update. Please tell Ashli that we love her and are praying for her. We'll also update everyone in our small group about her and they'll be praying too. Thanks again!
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