Nothing to Lose -- Redux

Friday, December 08, 2006

The Scoop

So...we've got some PET results, but they are really inconclusive. Essentially, the PET Scan definitely confirms that there is an area with some new growth in my brain. The results are not clear about what the growth actually is. Evidently this has caused upheaval at the Center for Cancer Care. Dr. Wheeler and another physician have reviewed the results and truly believe that what they are seeing is either the growth of scar tissue of the residual effects of treatment. However, one of the radiologists and a fourth physician are convinced that it looks like cancer and that it appears to be metastisizing. Everyone does agree that we need to come up with an a definitive answer.

A major conference concerning my case has been scheduled for Monday. All the radiologists and oncologists on staff will be reviewing my case and coming to a collective decision. It is not a matter of them voting and deciding to go on record and say "Oh... it's just scar tissue," Instead, they will debate about the best possible way to get conclusive results. In all likelihood, the team is going to recommend some form of biopsy. This is not anyone's first choice as biopsying cancer is not usually a good option. Cutting into the cells usually gives them new life and the ability to grow. Even if that does not happen, it usually results in swelling /irritation of the already-delicate tissue. Adding insult to injury is my recollection of my diagnosing biopsy last April: I started off the week as a normal-looking gal. Four days later mouthwash comes shooting out of my mouth when I gargle, I can't put on makeup without holding down my eyelid, and I can no longer smile.

Further complicating this situation is that they will need to biopsy tissue from the area surrounding my brain stem. This could mean an invasive biopsy where they actually cut into my skull and resect tissue (probalby not inpatient, huh?). There are several different biopsy options that the doctors may bring to the table... as a general rule, the more invasive the biopsy, the more likely they are to get the definitive answers taht they need.

The bottom line is that I could be facing some form of inpatient surgery as early as next week. On the bright side, there is probably a good chance that it is something they will do in Goshen. I would expect to hear from Dr. Wheeler regarding the team's recommendation by the end of the day Monday. We are also overnighting the MRI/PET scan results to California where Dr. Luu and a team of Loma Linda's doctors will also conference and make a recommendation. I will try to update the blog as soon as we know something.

Pray for wisdom for each team of doctors as they meet. I would specifically like to pray that both teams (Goshen and California) reach the same independent decision. But the bottom line is that, in my heart, I trust Dr. Wheeler. I have an unwaivering trust in him that I cannot explain. I thank God for that. For that reason, I would requst taht some of you even pray specifically for wisdom for him.

Of course, I am definitely not excited about the prospect of an invasive biopsy (especially in light of the fact that it will probably exacerbate the problems with my facial muscles), but in my heart I truly am not restless about this.

Thanks in advance to all of you who I know are already on their knees and surrounding me in prayers. Words cannot describe the peadce that that brings.


At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you have a peace about this situation. Isn't it amazing how God does that for us? We will absolutely continue to pray for you and your doctors. I'm also going to update the praise team at our church. They're a wonderful group of people who will also be fervently(sp?)praying for you. Please update this as soon as you find something out. We love you!!

At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are more than likely at the doctor this very minute and I am praying all will come out well. Bottom line - no matter what, we are here for you! -Love- Kendall

At 10:26 PM, Blogger crock said...

just checking for an update - I'm guessing you'll be posting around 3 or 4 am?
I'll check again first thing in the morning.
as always, praying for you.
love you.



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