Nothing to Lose -- Redux

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, to Chicago Ashli goes. . .

Just checking back in this morning. Last night Ashli was transported to the University of Chicago & Mom went with her. She stayed last night and it is quite possible she will stay through the weekend. . .(but nothing's been confirmed as to when she's coming home yet.)

They have her IV'd to get her some nutrients and Mom said she slept a lot better last night but still had some problems keeping things down.

Just an FYI: Some of the buttons on Ash's cell aren't working so well, so she's not able to really text b/c the one w/ "P, Q, R & S" isn't working. (obviously R&S are pretty important texting letters!)

Her phone # at the hosptial is 773-753-1577, if you need to get a hold of her, but please be sensitive since she's not been sleeping much. You may try try texting first and just ask my Mom? "Ok to call? Ye or No?" That way she can text back since she doesn't have an "S".

The address at the hosptial is: University of Chicago, Mitchell Hospital, 5841 S. Maryland Ave, Chicago, IL 60637-1470, Room # TS-653. Also, Mom mentioned that there are no plants or fresh flowers allowed on her floor. . .so keep that in mind.

Kelly Moses is starting a prayer chain for Ashli. This is the letter she sent:

Hello everyone.

As you all know, our dear friend, Ashli is battling Cancer.

We decided to come up with a Prayer Chain for Ashli. A spreadsheet has been set up covering everyday of the week; 8 am - midnight, in two hour segments.

We know so many people have been praying for Ashli and this way we know she'll be prayed for constantly.

If you would be willing to cover one of the time slots, please email Kelly Moses at, with your name and email. We'll update the spreadsheet and email you any specific requests from Ashli.

Thanks for your prayers for Ashli.

"Pray for one another, that you may be healed." Jam 5.16b

You can sign up for time slots 7 days a week, 8am-10am, 10am-12pm, 12-2pm, 2-4pm, 4-6pm, 6-8pm, 8-10pm. 10pm-12am. If anyone would like to take a slot on a day or two you can email Kelly at the address above and she will fill it in.

Thanks so much for your continued prayers! We will be in touch as we know more. ..



At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a mom, just a suggestion . . . I suggest that no one call Ashli. This girl needs to REST! They don't call me the mean mom for nothin' - Jayne


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