Nothing to Lose -- Redux

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Catching Up

Corlissa Newbern, Age 16
a.k.a "Rissa Ru" a.k.a
"Ru" a.k.a "Ruby"

Many of you have commented or written to me about how much in my life has changed since we last talked. I've gotten tons of questions about Corlissa. Therefore, I just thought I'd write a little about that situation. Luckily, she does not get online very often, hence she will probably be naive to this posting and be saved from the mortification of having her life on the world wide web. Furthermore, she has big dreams of modeling some day. Perhaps having her mug shot and life story posted all over my blog will serve as her "big break" and I will ultimately be forgiven for this heinous parental violation.

I began considering the idea of foster-parenting last year. One of the most difficult aspects of teaching is sitting by idly as so many kids with promise lose ground as a result of circumstances that they did not create. I just grew disgusted and tired of watching these kids struggle to stay focused and keep on the right path in spite of their tumultuous home lives. The opportunity to take Ru in came at just after I had decided to officially begin the process of applying to be a foster parent.

I don't think either of us knew how long she would be here, and let me tell you, we have had to iron out some serious kinks (Take my advice, folks....If you're going to take in a 16 year-old girl, pick an ugly one. I think her beauty is the bane of my existence). Despite the struggles we've had, I am certain of one thing: My life is no longer just about me. She has taught me a great deal about myself, the nature of God, and has made me a heck of a lot less selfish in the process. While the whole thing might seem stifling to some of you, words cannot express how much freedom it has brought me. Ironic, huh?

Anyway... Corlissa's a sophomore and about to turn 17. She is a good kid. She's managed to stay out of trouble, works hard in school, and has dreams for her life. She's got a nice boyfriend (I even had a hand in setting them up), and I believe she's finally experiencing some true peace and happiness in her life. Watching this transformation has been one of the greatest gifts I've been given.

We both keep in close contact with Corlissa's family. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure we've both gained a new family. Let me tell you, though, being inducted into the world of black backyard barbecues has seriously thrown a wrench in my weight-loss schemes. I am whiter than snow, but am welcomed with open arms in "the hood." I've probably never been safer in my life.... some very influential people have my back.

Anyway... I'm hoping this satisfies your curiosity. Karl Black once told me that his world was turned upside down and suddenly filled with purpose beyond his comprehension the instant Braden was born. I couldn't fathom it at the time, but I think I'm beginning to understand a little. There's a line in an Indigo Girls song that says "the closer I'm bound in love to you, the closer I am to free" I'm not necessarily recommending you all go out and get pregnant or take in a transient teenager or anything, but it's a feeling I think everyone should experience at some point in their lifetime.

(N.B.L Ruby)


At 12:35 AM, Blogger crock said...

thanks for the beautiful photo of Corlissa. Nice to see you explain what's happened in the last year. She is so blessed and lucky to have you. I sure hope that when we're back in the states we can join you at some of those backyard bbq's! "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" was just on and that bbq scene makes me so hungry!

There really is nothing like being parent - even on the craziest days -- I wouldn't trade it for the world.

At 11:36 AM, Blogger AJLutz said...

MOM & DAD Hepler: This is where you STOP reading. . .

Ash~ All I can say, is I'm glad YOU provided Mom & Dad with the first grandchild! ha! Takes me off the hook. . .for a while anyway. ;)


At 3:59 PM, Blogger Brad said...

The good thing about you being an understanding teacher and a mom is you get teenagers like your daughter. Most teenagers feel alone because parrents dont know how to handle us. We feel shut out from them and they are the same way (it would seem). Luckily you can take the insight you have about other teenagers and relate them to your daughter. Your daughter is so lucky to have a mother like you.(but do keep in mind not all teenagers are the same)

~Bradley, son of Hob

At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Hepler,
How are you? I guess that is sort of a dumb question. Well heres the thing, I came across your Blog and I did some reading. I always found your writing easy to read and enjoyable. I wanted to let you know that you were a very influetial part of my Freshman year. You really made coming to Red Days more fun, also the second semester when I had the privledge of student assistanting you although, as I do recall I did little to nothing, but I did get the chance to talk to you and indulge in your sun-shiney personality. Well I could go on all night about how wonderful you are blah blah blah, even though I do. I'm glad I met you and I hope things are smooth sailing for you as much as humaly possible. I will be praying for you because that is the one thing I can do for you in this matter. I am deeply saddened to hear about your sitatuion but I'm sure with your strength and good humor nothing can keep you down. Praying for you.
Michael Rand
email me sometime, I'd enjoy it.

At 5:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your posting about Corlissa. Being in Florida, I'm not ususally in the "loop". I think you're learning the same things I've learned in the past few years in a black world. I, too, am enjoying backyard bbq's Evem to chitlin's for Thanksgiving. Not one of my favorites.
Anyway, thanks for the info on Ru [I like that name]. Hope to meet her soon. Anything I can do, call me. Love you.
PS - Alysia. don't rush it.

At 6:59 AM, Blogger Kristin Baker said...

What a beautiful description of parenting. You are such an inspiration to so many people. I feel privileged to know you. (By the way, I'll be calling you for advice when Lauren is a teenager.)

At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.


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