Nothing to Lose -- Redux

Thursday, May 04, 2006

My Anthem

Here is another example of the word "finna" used in context for my white friends:


So, everyone keeps asking me when I'm going to get this whole radiation thing started. I am sitting here wondering myself. I know we can't get started until the computer generates the numbers and we can determine whether Goshen and Bloomington can work together. Bloomington can't even input the numbers in the computer until they have me down for two days of measurements and fittings. I thought that was going to happen sometime this week. But, why hasn't it, you ask? Well let me tell you...

Bloomington can't schedule me for my measurements and fittings becasue ANTHEM has not given them any indication that they will pay for one iota of such their medical services

Essentially, I have a tumor growing in my face while some dude in a sweet, Italian suit (which I hope and pray his taylor cut too close in the crotch inseam) is practicing on his mini-office putting green instead of signing his name on my paperwork.

You all should start praying for the customer service representative that answers the precertification line at 9:00 a.m. this morning.

(877) 814-4803. Maybe we should all call!


At 8:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the "fight" won't be the tumor, but will be with the Insurance company. Just the kind of stress you DON'T need.
Hang in there girl.

At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me?!? I think this would be a great time (if your persuasive techniques aren't good enough) to contact 16...I mean, now that they know how awesome you are anyway, right? Great title, by the way :)

At 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my rants!!! We salute you Corporate America for your ignorant management. I'm sure that while the idle top dogs are earning millions, they have downsized the worker bees to save money. And the actual productive people are working mandatory 70-80 hours a week to pick up the slack. The Customer Service people are probably just as po'd as you. Just be persistant. As you already know, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

At 4:11 PM, Blogger Brad said...

well my aunt (michel's mom) used ot be cover by anthum. Basically they stopped a lot of her coverage because she has something wrong with her foot i think. Indevidual life insurance sucks. Thats why im covered my the county. Sorry that they're assholes ashli. I'm sure it will all work out just fine. Later babe'.

At 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AGHHH!!! I HATE ANTHEM!! We are currently dealing with those morons also. Yeah, I don't think the guy you're waiting for is wearing an italian suit. He's probably wearing a Hanes sweat suit and has his GED diploma hanging in his cubicle. We have $4,200 at least that we have to pay for MRI's that they denied because they said I had a "pre-existing" condition. Anyway, just keep on them. You are very persuasive and a good debater. Your skills will come in handy now. Call them every day if that what it takes. I think it's ironic that insurance rates are sky high, but when you need what you've paid for they make you jump through a ridiculous amount of hoops. OK, I'm done ranting. Oh, I'm waiting for my uncle to return my call about the cantron. I'll talk to ya soon.

At 4:54 PM, Blogger Ashli Hepler said...

B-Rad. If you keep cussing on here I'm gonna have to start deleting your comments!

At 10:47 PM, Blogger Danielle said...

I'm tempted to call you as I'm sure you're up. Guess what you made me do, crazy woman! Go to I don't know what's wrong with me...maybe you slipped some of those narcotics in my drink last night?!?

At 11:25 AM, Blogger LoriCloud said...

I hope he has good insurance. :)

At 6:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.


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