Not-So Great News
So, the issue with Anthem seems to be resolved. We are not quite certain whethere MPRI will be considered an in-network or an out-of-network expense (I've been told one thinng; Alysia, who is the best sister and designated insurance representative in the wolrd, has been told another). Either way, Bloomington now has some assurance that they will get paid and will consider treating me.
However, it appears asif planning/scheduling treatments at MPRI in Bloomington may be problematic. I received an alarming email from Kim, Dr. Thornton's nurse, indicating that they have scheduled my first planning appointment for July 5, 2006. The email was apologetic and vague, and I am unable to discern whether they mean that I would not begin radiation until July (which I was already not happy about but had accepted as the reality of the situation and calculated that there was still a good chance I would be home when school started in August) OR that they would not begin writing my plan until July (which means that I would not even be starting my treatments in Bloomington until August).
Through some divine intervention, I was able to formulate a calm email response asking for clarification. I am not, however, feeling so calm. I am not under some misconception that this month could be the difference between life and death. After all, I've lived with this cancer for 10 years now and it hasn't killed me. Yet, this is cancer. It is not lying dormant. Until we start treating it, it is progressing in some capacity. If MPRI does not start radiation until August, essentially I will have sat around and let this cancer grown and multiply for nearly half a year. And I will have been forced to do that because and I quote, "Unfortunately, we've met our quota of treatments for May and June." That is a a little hard to digest. Right now I cannot smile, chew on my right side, or taste much of anything. I'm having a hard time articulating my words (one of the hardest to say is my own last name) becasue my the right side of my lip does not move. I cannot blink my right eye, consequently it is becoming dry and fatigued which is affecting my vision (my sincerest apologies to the mailbox and three curbs I've nearly demolished). So, here I am wondering..... "What the heck am I going to be like by the time they actually get around to radiating me?"
If you can't already tell, I am losing some steam here. It seems like my optimism and strength are being whittled away by intertia. That is scary to me because Dr. Thornton explicitly told me that attitude makes all the difference with this cancer. It just does not seem humane to tell a person "The best thing you can do for yourself and for this cancer is keep a positive attitude" and then turn around and give them news/information/obstacles that makes it virtually impossible to follow "doctor's orders."
I apologize for being a kill-joy at 5:00 a.m. (I guess the good news is that I went to bed at a decent hour and did not really get up until now. This is the second night in a row :)) I've always been pretty confident about teaching literature to my students, but I don't think Ive ever really mastered teaching writing. If there is one thing I want you guys to know about writing it is this: Readers are not stupid. They can spot a cover-up a mile away. When it comes down to it, writing really can't be categorized as "good" or "bad"; it's simply honest and from the heart or a lie. The whole point of this online journal is to lead by example, and I refuse to be a liar.
Okay...I promise to update you all later. I expect a fairly quick response from MPRI as all they have to do is tell me which of the two scenarios I outlined they are actually proposing. I am going to begin a draft of my email response as if they are proposing the worst-case scenario so that I don't lose even more time. Perhaps I will just post the whole thing on the blog when I'm done. I also promise I'll write something more uplifting later. I've been working on a great little ode (because I need to thank some people) that actually reads like a limerick (because I came three applicaple words/phrases that actually rhyme with radiation). I'll try to redeem myself from this rant later.
I've missed the sunrise--again--but am sitting here in the early morning. I heard an echo of Hemingway in what you say about "honest" writing that comes from the only territory a writer knows: the heart. Amen.
I shall follow your blog faithfully. Until our "road trip," I send my love. Jane
Please don't feel bad about writing the truth and expressing your negative feelings. A positive attitude is great, but if you don't vent the negativity, whether in conversation at the lunch table or online blogging, it will stay in your body and fester, and we all know that the goal of all of this is to get every unhealthy atom OUT of your body (forgive the run-on). Example-my favorite quote: "Shared joy is double joy; shared sorrow is half sorrow." Nigerian Proverb. We love sharing your joy, but sharing your sorrow is what friends are really for. Hang in there. We're praying for you.
Thanks guys! The encouragement is definitely needed right now. Each of you said something that I definitely needed to hear.
With the exception of my slight road-rage issue, I consider myself a pretty patient person. But you know what?? I AM FED UP WITH WAITING ON ALL THE PEOPLE AT MPRI TO PULL THEIR HEADS OUT OF THEIR KEISTERS AND GET YOU IN FOR TREATMENT!!! So here is my thought about our course of action to get some movement from them:
Ash: If today you do NOT get the news you want from MPRI, I think that you should ask for the email of whomever makes those decisions & a phone extension. You can then post that on your blog and hand it out. We will all pick a day and EVERYONE YOU KNOW will INUNDATE (sp?) THEM WITH PHONECALLS ON THAT DAY!!!! Hopefully they will get so tired of hearing from people regarding your treatment that their supposed "quota" will go out the window and you will get in for treatment PRONTO!!!
Or maybe you could have the school's lawyer call and use that motivating phrase. . what was it again? Oh yeah "medically negligent".
I agree with Baker. We all want to hear good news and a positive attitude, but are here to share the bad with the good. VENT away when necessary. I think it helps to clear your head of "some" of the anger and go on with what you need to do.
Liked Alysia's idea, too. Stir the pot 'til it boils over on someone.
I agree with everyone's comments. You have a right to vent your frustration. Your attitude through this whole thing has been inspiring and amazing, and I think you are only being human with your concerns. So far every problem you have run into seems to be working itself out, so hopefully this one will too. Let me know if there is anything I can do. We'll be praying for you.
Well Ashli, it sucks to have to wait that long. In that time dont "whittle" away. do some fun things, read books on things you like or want to know, go to museums (The Museum of Natural History was interesting, i loved the dead animals), when it gets warm go to the beach and camp out, hang out with your family and friends. Just keep yourself busy and troubles start to go away from your mind. By the way, im glad your telling us, your readers, your true thoughts and feelings. I hate reading about people who think they can fake reality and live in there own world. I kinda feel sorry for them. Thank god your cancer is slow growing it gives you a great chance to get through this. i know in the end you'll be alright. From Elkhart With Love
If anyone can keep a positive attitude through these ups and downs and still manage to add a little humor to the situation it would be you. You are amazing.
Are you willing to drive Miss Daisy to L.A.? I hear the scenery is beautiful.
Okay... this is my final comment before bed.(Or maybe I should just keep working and skip bed altogether now? What do Missy and Chelsea think about a movie in the a.m.?) In theory, I love Alysia's idea of terrorizing MPRI until they just relent and bring schedule my planning session for next week (or the second I get back from Hawaii). However, I have this silly notion in my head that it might not be good to piss off the people I need to save me life? Can we take a readers' poll?
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