Nothing to Lose -- Redux

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Back Home Again in Indiana

After much frustration with the speed of the medical wheels turning to get all of the sign offs on Ashli to get her discharged, we finally headed out of of Chicago at 4:30 last night. Ashli is feeling much better. She hasn't vomited for a day and a half (which is much improved from every 45 minutes on Tuesday night). Her snappy comments have returned, and she had an entire nights sleep without an IV monitor going off 4 times or having her blood pressure checked. She is still tired and needs to take things a little easier, but her appetite is back and her mind is running full tilt. I am planning on going home tonight; she will be relieved to not have to hear my snoring and I will be relieved not to hear "Mom can you...............". The next time I take a road trip to Chicago with Ashli I hope to see more blue sky, restaurants, shopping and luxury accomodations. Thank you all so much for your faithfulness in praying for Ashli and letting her know how much you love and care for her.



At 12:52 PM, Blogger crock said...

so glad to hear Ashli is home!! I sure hope you can all get some much needed rest - and maybe return to some sense of normalcy.
we love you guys!

Kelly <><

At 11:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear that you're home!!! Take it easy and get some rest. Let me know when you want that Ritters! :)
Love ya,


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