Nothing to Lose -- Redux

Thursday, March 08, 2007

An Unhappy Place

Apparently the oncology floor at Mitchell Hosptial in Chicago is a very unhappy place. . .

Not only do they not allow flowers, but they also don't allow "latex" balloons b/c they set the alarms off or maybe allergy reasons. . .We've been told mylars should be OK.

Mom just wanted me to let you guys know.

For the one person who already sent latex balloons. . .thank you for being our guinea pig and Ashli still got to see her balloons and appreciates it!!



At 1:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patients on oncology floors are often in "neutropenic precautions" due to very low white blood cell counts.They are highly susceptible to infections when blood counts are so low.Thus, anything that's been growing in dirt could have bacteria on it. So, no fresh flowers on oncology floors!!! An unhappy place, indeed! We are praying for you Ashli and hope you can come home feeling so much better soon!...Make sure your nurses give you your meds!

At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for keeping us updated. My entire small group is also praying for Ashli, so please tell her she is being prayed for a lot. Oh, were there mylars in that bouquet that we sent? There were supposed to be 3 latex and 3 mylar. I even called her floor to see if it was okay, and they told me yes. I wish they would have told my about the latex b/c I would have sent all mylar. Oh well. Please tell her that we love her and are praying for her. Thank you!

At 2:57 PM, Blogger AJLutz said...


From Ashli: She wishes they would let her have Ritters frozen custard and you could have sent her that instead of balloons!! =)

Obviously she's starting to feel a little more like her old, feisty self!


At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's good to hear! I definitely would send her anything she wanted if they would let me. Tell her when she comes home and is feeling better, she can come get (or we'll bring her) anything she wants. :)
Thanks Alysia!

At 11:55 PM, Blogger Danielle said...

Hey Ashli! (and Alysia!) thank you so much for keeping us updated. I'm checking things SO faithfully and wish there was more to report (it's almost midnight on Friday)! Maybe tomorrow. Beth, Erica, and I are all reading right now...Love You.


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