The Ship is Sinking
To be honest, I've been avoiding updating the blog. I know that is stupid. It's just that I am in a place where I cannot think of anything witty of positive to say.
On Wednesday night I got a voicemail message from Maureen at the University of Chicago. While I was in the hopsital there, they took another MRI. The "tumor board" met and reviewed my MRI results by comparing this MRI with the one on file from back in January. It is obvious that there have been changes and growth in the mass in my brain. At first, I was in total and complete shock. I parked my car in the garage and just sat there for a few minutes. My shock gave way to anger -- Why more bad news? I feel like I deserve a break here. Doesn't God owe me some good news at some point? (Don't worry...I already know the answer to that qusetion. I'm just attempting to be honest about my feelings here).
I think now I'm just in a spot where my spirits are sinking. I feel like this situation continues to get worse and worse. It's hard to expect it to get better because everytime I do I just end up being more disappointed. I spent the evening at Karl & Danielle's and they prayed with me. Danielle even came back and spent the night at my house (bless her and Karl for giving her up for the evening). That helped some.
At this point, I feel like I've grown numb. It almost feels as if I'm sleepwalking through my own life. I received another voicemail from U of C yesterday. I have a consultation with Dr. Yaminin, their cheif neurosurgeon, on Monday. They now would like to proceed with a biopsy and propose that we do the biopsy on Wednesday. On Monday he is going to give me details about the procedure and I will be able to tell you all more then. I do know that they plan to try to resect several samples of tissue so that they can come up with some conclusive answer as to whether or not this is cancer or scar tissue. I was really hoping that they would be able to use the ENT surgeon and perform the biopsy through my ear; however, that is an impossibility and the tumor board agrees that their best chance of getting a good tissue sample is by going directly through my brain. Obviously that is an incredibly scary through to me. I'm sure Dr. Yamini has cut into the human brain a million times -- but I've never had mine cut into. The prospect is terrifying.
I'm sure that this post gives you a number of specific ideas about how you can pray for me/my family. More than anything I feel like I need some renewal of hope. It all seems to be fading away at the present time :(
thanks for the update. sorry you're feeling so down. I wish I had some great words of wisdom to make you feel better, but I don't know what to say. Maybe Steven Curtis Chapman said it best,
Carry You To Jesus
I will not pretend to feel the pain you’re going through
I know I cannot comprehend the hurt you’ve known
And I used to think it mattered if I understood
But now I just don’t know
Well, I’ll admit sometimes I still wish I knew what to say
And I keep looking for a way to fix it all
But we know we’re at the mercy of God’s higher ways
And our ways are so small
But I will carry you to Jesus
He is everything you need
I will carry you to Jesus on my knees
It’s such a privilege for me to give this gift to you
All I’d ever hope you’d give me in return
Is to know that you’ll be there to do the same for me
When the tables turn
And if you need to cry go on and I, I will cry along with you, yeah
I’ve given you what I have but still I know the best thing I can do
Is just pray for you
I’ll carry you
I’ll take you to Jesus on my knees
I wrote an email to everyone (meaning Hepler clan) last week and didn't email it out. I decided today to send it. If you get a chance to check either your MSN or your school account, please read it. Love Ya',
Thanks for the candor. I only wish there was more we could do. BTW, I finally found your comment on my blog. And since my own words are inadequate, maybe you'll listen to the truth from your own lips (or fingertips) you reminded me of the "One who speaks to us in whispers -- in stillness, in quiet, amidst confusion and storms. You trust and feel the unfailing love of One who overcomes the chasms of human failure." I will be praying this week that those "whispers" of comfort are heard and felt, even though your fears are screaming right now. Hang in there. We love you.
One of my favorite songs by the Newsboys: "Lord I don't know"
"Lord I don't know where all this is going...or how it all works out. Lead me to peace that is past understanding..a peace beyond all doubt".
We don't know where this is all headed, but aren't you glad God knows? Ashli, I will continue to lift you up to the Lord..that He will indeed give you a "peace that passes understanding". I love you!
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