Nothing to Lose -- Redux

Friday, May 12, 2006

Color Blind

I hope most of the Crips in LA are color blind because well over half of my closet is red!

The only question that remains is "How long will I be living in California?" Okay... that's a total and complete lie. I also have to figure out how to finagle a way to get Anthem to cover my transportation and lodging, find a place to live, find a car to drive myself back and forth from home to treatment, figure out where my kid(s) are going to go while I'm gone, secure good directions from Loma Linda Medical Center to Rodeo Drive (I threw that one in for good measure), select and target the readers I'm most likely to convince to fly out to California for a visit, scan all of my medical records (nearly 100 pages) into the computer and burn them to a CD-Rom, and pack and be ready to leave for Hawaii by Sunday night.

Barring some major mishap, I will be starting proton radiation at Loma Linda Unversity Medical Center's Proton Treatment Center sometime in the first few weeks of June. The only downside to LL is that they rarely work collaboratively with other doctors. I accidentally included Dr. Wheeler's amazing dosimetry and radiation plan when I faxed them 32 pages of medical records, and I need everyone to pray that they will be so awed by the genius of his plan that they decide I can safely receive 5 weeks of protons in California followed by 3 weeks of photons (traditional radiation) in Goshen.

Did I mention the fact that when we booked our itinerary to Hawaii, I made a split-second decision to stay over in LA for an extra day in order to visit Jeremy Lugbill and Kristin Conn (soon to be Lugbill)? I was feeling guilty about not being able to attend their wedding since I would be stuck in Bloomington getting radiated. We were going to have a four hour layover at LAX anyway, so I just said, "Screw it, I've already missed like 3,485 days of school this year....what's one more day?" Well...It just so happens that Loma Linda needs to see me at least once to get the plan running, and the doctor has agreed to see me on Tuesday or Wednesday when we are already in LA. This means that my radiation plan will be running while we're relaxing on the beach in Oahu. I dare just one of you agnostic or atheistic or some other a-prefix reader to try to convince me that God himself did not choregraph this one!

We've already established that Rancho Cucamonga, CA is the perfect halfway spot between the hospital and Jeremy & Krissy's newlywed pad. Anybody have time to see if there any furnished sublets available? (2 BR...expecting visitors)


At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey- "California Love" as your homey Tupac once sang! Your assertive drive is astonishing - hopefully our students are learning this through you. I am here to help at anytime and in anyway! I have PLENTY of blue UK gear you can borrow to even our your closet for CA. Love ya! Kendall

At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I checked out the Only found 2 possibles. $1450.00/mo. You have to pay to sign up for more info. Didn't want to do that until I knew exactly what you need. Have also asked Carl's sister in Orange Co. for suggestions.

At 12:05 AM, Blogger Ashli Hepler said...

I got your message but not until 11:00 pm. Didn't know how late was too late to call. I've checked out, too. I seems like apts are going to be prety darn pricey.

At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day! Cannot wait for Tuesday because I got off work. See you then...

At 8:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cali? Hawaii? All in the same year? That's crazy Hepler! I hope you have a geat time...Cali might not be as fun as Hawaii, but still! Keep thinkin' this...La belle vie. It means "The beautiful life" in French.

Much Love <3

At 1:40 AM, Blogger Ashli Hepler said...

I miss you. How are things going? I hope you are standing up for yourself. Take a lesson from the master. I'm pretty sure we are the ones who teach people how they can treat us. I hope you're staying strong about what's-his-name.

At 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

At 6:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!


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