Nothing to Lose -- Redux

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


The benefit is rapidly approaching. July 8th is only 2.5 weeks away!

-Anyone who would like to donate something for a door prize/raffle/silent auction: We must have all the donations no later than June 30th which is only a week from Friday. You can contact Steph Reed or myself.

-Anyone who is donating baked goods: Please contact Steph or I and let us know how much and what you are bringing. Baked goods can be brought the night of the benefit if you are coming right at 5:00 pm. If not, then you should probably get in touch with Steph or I to make other arrangements.

-Ticket Sales: We have not had very many people respond to pre-buy tickets. You can pay at the door, no problem, but it is helpful for us to know around how many people are coming so that we have enough food. Please give Steph or I a call or drop us an email with your name & the number attending (please note if some are children)

-Don't forget the dinner portion is from 5-7 pm and the band is from 7-10pm. The band is a bluesy type band and they are REALLY GOOD! I think you will all enjoy it!

We are hoping to make this a success for Ashli to help pay off the things she has already had to charge & also to pad her benefit account to pay upcoming med bills. Should we find that she ends up with more money than she needs, the plan is to donate the rest to one or a few non-profit organizations. No matter what, your money will go to a worthy cause. Thanks for your continued support & prayers. ~Alysia Lutz~

Alysia: 574-773-5348,

Steph: 574-903-0355,


At 1:28 AM, Blogger crock said...

hey Alysia-

do you have any flyers you could possibly attach to an email...
I would love to send the information to my friends and family in Michigan.
They might not be able to attend, but might want to purchase raffle tickets or help in some way.
Please let me know.

Crock <><


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