Nothing to Lose -- Redux

Monday, July 24, 2006

Down Again Part II

I just took Holly back from a long weekend visit. Well...actually, we drove all the way to Loma Linda because there should have been time for me to get my treatment in and then take her to Ontario airport. Unfortunately, the gantry (the machine that treats me) is down again.

They told me to go ahead and take her to the airport and go home and wait for them to call me. I just called to check in. The machine is still down. Everyone who is reading this, please, please pray that it goes back up and stays up so that I can get treated today. I cannot bear the thought of adding another day onto my stay here. I need this machine to pull through for the next week and a half for me!


At 5:56 PM, Blogger Kristin Baker said...

Will do. Hang in there.

At 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mantra for the next week and a half: Machine work, darn it! YOU ARE ALMOST THERE HEPLER! Love, Kendall

At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh that stupid machine!! Why does it always go down? Yes, we will absolutely pray that works for the next week and a half. You can do this, you're almost there!! Love ya!

At 6:52 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Praying...and as much as I missed Holly while she was gone, I know that she is needed out there more, knowing she brings smiles and love.

At 8:05 AM, Blogger AJLutz said...


I'm glad our prayers worked yesterday! We will keep praying that the DUMB MACHINE STAYS UP!!!

See you VERY SOON!!!




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