Nothing to Lose -- Redux

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I couldn't think of a creative title for this blog as I do not yet know what I will be writing about. Therefore, I title it "Stuff" because I will probably be writing about a variety of topics.

First of all, I wish I could thank personally every single person who showed up in support of me/my family at the benefit on Saturday. Obviously this is not possible since I was not there and don't even know who all showed up. I must confess, up until this point I have remained completely silent about the benefit. I told Alysia and Steph that I pretty much wanted to be left out of the loop on it. I am pretty sure writing about the benefit on this blogsite would have made me a eertifiable beggar. Really, not writing about it was just a way to maintain some semblance of dignity in this whole thing. Since it's over (and I'm done "begging"), I feel free to write about it. I can tell you all that my family certainly felt overwhelmed with support from the variety of people who showed up. Forget the well-wishes and the financial support, it was just good to know that such a plethora of people are praying for us.

I cannot close this without talking a little about Stephanie, a.k.a. Steph, a.k.a. "Stiffy" to those closest to her. Steph and I go way back. All the way to middle school. She was "going with" the boy I was destined to marry. Suffice it to say, I hated her with a passion. We continued this tumultuous relationship all the way through high school (She maintains I was a judgmental "good girl". I that she was a bad-girl jock. I "prayed" for her regularly. Which, in the land of senior high youth group really translats to I "talked about" her regularly (unless, of course, you are a more mature "Christian" than I was). Anyway, after high school, Steph and I both ended up at Bethel College. She roomed with Jen Hunsberger, my long-time best friend, so we were forced to get along. After awhile, I think we both grew to find the other quite tolerable. So tolerable, in fact, we end up partnering in Shupe Dormintory's first-ever half-naked rollerblading expo. Okay, we were pretty much the only two in the expo and the other girls in the dorm didn't really appreciate it (especially Kelli and Mindy since we had to seek refuge under their covers when Janet Seeker came looking for us), but it was basically the only cutting-edge thing we could do without getting kicked out of BC.

Steph and I wound up living together for the remainder of our Bethel careers. I consoled her as she barfed over our Egle toilet because of the intensity of the pain from her ACL injury. She consoled me and helped me find refuge at the Staples' when we got kicked off campus for a week. Even though we haven't always stayed in touch as regularly as either of us would like, we're always able to pick up where we left off. I think that says something about a friend. For those of you who don't know, the idea of this whole benefit was birthed by Steph (and Eva, I think). Jacquie told me that, when she talked to Steph on Sunday, she said she felt like she had been "run over by a truck." I can relate to that. I worked so hard to organize the St. Mark Youth Group's Senior Banquet, that it took a full week for my mind and muscles to recover. So... Stiffy, I want you to know that I truly appreciate all your hard-work and effort. The fact that you would give so much of yourself for me is quite humbling.

Okay.. on to another topic. I really appreciate those of you who have been praying for my physical well-being. I must confess, however, there is one type of sickeness that far exceeds the effects of nauseau/vomiting. That, my friends, is homesickness . Although I have had a string of visitors, nothing compares to home. Nothing beats sleeping in your own bed, comforted by your own pillows, surrounded by your own smells. Everyone keeps telling me "only three more weeks...", but I just really want to come home now.


At 8:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ashli - What can I say except I LOVE YOU! It breaks my heart that you are so homesick. (Sorry, that's the mom in me). My specific prayer for you is going to be to help you deal with this for the remainder of your time in CA. Call me if you need to - day or night. Love you- Jayne

At 8:49 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Ashli, my heart hurts that you are walking this path. And yet I am thankful that you are the Lord's child and that He will sustain you during the remainder of your time in California. You have touched so many lives with your journey, and I thank you for being an inspiration. Many prayers being lifted to the Lord for you.

At 11:20 AM, Blogger AJLutz said...


You're clearly not in Kansas anymore Toto. So here is my way to get you to look on the bright side:

-Remember how much you LOATH Nappanee? Instead of focusing on brown grass, remember dodging roadapples the size of small planets left behind by amish buggies.

-Perhaps God is preparing you for full time missions field work when you return. . .remember all those fun trips you went on in HS? How about permanently living in a tin shack w/ no running water (or at least water you can't drink safely) and being forced to throw your used femanine hygene products in the trash instead of flushing them away? Thank GOD for indoor plumbing in Cali!

-If you were home, you would be realizing that your summer vacation is rapidly depleting and it is almost time to start up school again. At least in Cali you are preoccupied enough to not remember! lol

-Treasure your days left w/ the Cheesecake factory close by. B/c once you return, it's a 4 hour train ride or a frustrating hour and half drive through rush-hour-traffic away.

Think that's all from me today.
I know you're tired of hearing it, but you really WILL be home before you know it!!!

Love You


At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girl - Three weeks will be over before you know it! The count down begins . . . We all can't wait until you return! Kendall

At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know being homesick is really hard, it's even worse when you don't feel well. However, I am going to side with your sister on this and try to get you to look on the brighter side. Imagine yourself 6 months from now....getting ready for school in the morning (while it's still dark), you go outside and have to brush 3 inches of snow off your car, then underneath that is a layer of ice that has to be scraped off. By this time you're freezing (because you don't like to wear a winter coat) and your hands are numb. When you try to get in your car, the doors are frozen shut. Remember, that's winter in Elkhart :) So try to enjoy the Cali. sun while you can, these 3 weeks will fly by. Well my dear, we will be praying for you and the rest of your time in California. We love you!!!
P.S. I wasn't able to go to your benefit b/c I didn't have a babysitter, but then I ended up getting strep throat :(

At 7:00 PM, Blogger Kristin Baker said...


I am so sorry you're homesick. I will add that to my prayers along with the physical stuff. I will pray these three weeks go by quickly for you. We miss you and love you so much. Hang in there.

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Brad said...

Hey there Miss H! I got home from the big TN the otherday. I totally understand your homesickness. I havent been quite 'praying' for you on my vacation but i have meditated on good thoughts and hope you totally recieved the possative energy. Well I best get around to going to my new job. Oh so much babe'... rawr...

At 9:05 PM, Blogger Danielle said...

I love you. I love you. I love you. I can't imagine the homesickness. Okay, I guess I'll play with your hair for 1 1/2 years without reciprocating... but don't ask for any longer!!!


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